O.F.C Bourbon 1994 750ml (2024)

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A bottle of Old Fashioned Copper Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, distilled in 1994 and matured for almost 30 years at what is now Buffalo Trace distillery. This bottling honors the OFC distillery and is presented in a hand-cut crystal bottle. The lacquered wooden case features copper detail and a revolving center.

Tasting notes for this bourbon describe lots of cherry on the nose followed by butterscotch with hints of brown sugar and oak. Toasted caramel, cinnamon and oak greet the palate, followed by a long finish of coffee, herbs and oak.

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    O.F.C Bourbon 1994 750ml (2024)


    How much is OFC 1994? ›

    Suggested retail pricing for this collectable and very limited 1994 O.F.C. Vintage Bourbon is $2,500. More information about the O.F.C.

    What does ofc stand for in bourbon? ›

    Vintage-Dated Bourbons in Hand-Cut Crystal. In 1870, E.H. Taylor Jr. christened his new distillery O.F.C., which stands for Old Fashioned Copper. By investing in the finest copper stills, copper piping and copper fermenters he ensured the purity of his spirits, and in this vein we present O.F.C.

    Who makes OFC bourbon? ›

    This very rare and collectable bourbon honors the O.F.C. Distillery, a National Historic Landmark known today as Buffalo Trace Distillery. Each hand-cut crystal bottle is vintage dated according to the specific year in which the bourbon was distilled.

    When did OFC become Buffalo Trace? ›

    in 1929, it was greatly expanded and modernized in the 1930s. Sold again in 1992, it was renamed Buffalo Trace Distillery in 1999.

    How much is OFC 1995? ›

    Suggested retail pricing for this collectible and very limited 1995 O.F.C. Vintage Bourbon is $2,500; state taxes will vary per market. More information about the O.F.C. line can be found at https://ofcvintages.com.

    What bourbon was John Wick drinking? ›

    Blanton's bourbon, known as John Wick's favorite drink, is a single-barrel bourbon produced by the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Kentucky. It has a high-rye mash bill #2, which consists of corn, malted barley, and a prominent amount of rye.

    Is it old fire copper or old fashioned copper? ›

    Interestingly, historical references (and Buffalo Trace) have used "Old Fashioned Copper" and "Old Fire Copper" interchangeably. According to Buffalo Trace, neither is wrong; Colonel Taylor used both names while he owned and operated the facility.

    What was Buffalo Trace called before? ›

    Buffalo Trace Distillery is a distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky, United States, owned by the Sazerac Company. It has historically been known by several names, including the George T. Stagg Distillery and the Old Fire Copper (O.F.C.)

    How much is Double Eagle very rare? ›

    In 2019, Buffalo Trace released a Double Eagle Very Rare bottling, a 101 proof/50.5% ABV 20 YO bourbon at an MSRP of $2,000/bottle. The expression is still available at selected retailers but now sells for $10,000 a bottle or more.

    Who owns Blanton's? ›

    Blanton's is a brand of bourbon whiskey produced and marketed by the Sazerac Company. Though it does not own the brand, it has exclusive distilling rights. It is owned by Age International, Inc. It is distilled in Frankfort, Kentucky at the Buffalo Trace Distillery.

    Does Jim Beam own Buffalo Trace? ›

    Charles Beam retired in 1984 and both brands were later sold to the Sazerac Company in 1989. Both brands continued to be distilled by the Buffalo Trace Distillery even today.

    Is Buffalo Trace older than Jack Daniel's? ›

    Buffalo Trace claims to be the oldest continuously-operating distillery in the USA, though the name has changed over the years. Maker's Mark has the oldest bourbon distillery in the world, while Jack Daniel's is the oldest registered distillery in America. And then, of course, there are the unregistered distilleries.

    Why is Buffalo Trace sought after? ›

    Popularity. Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon is a well-regarded and highly sought-after bourbon whiskey due to its high quality and consistent flavor profile. Another factor that has contributed to the popularity of Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon is the company's commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

    What does ofc stand for? ›

    Ofc is a short way of saying "of course".

    What does OFC mean bottle? ›

    This is the maximum volume of liquid that a container can hold if filled to the brim or point of overflowing. OFC is measured in grams (g), milliliters (mL), or ounces (oz.), and can be used to estimate the exact amount of product a package can hold based on a specific gravity of 1.0 or water.

    What does Oki bourbon stand for? ›

    O.K.I. (Ohio. Kentucky. Indiana) was originally started by New Riff Distilling. The sourced bourbon quickly became a cult favorite amongst bourbon enthusiast.

    Does Sazerac own Buffalo Trace? ›

    Its namesake bourbon brand, Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon whiskey, was introduced in August 1999. The name "Buffalo Trace" refers to the ancient buffalo trackway that crosses the Kentucky River in Franklin County, Kentucky. The Sazerac Company purchased the distillery in 1992.

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    Article information

    Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5851

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

    Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

    Birthday: 1999-11-18

    Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

    Phone: +50616620367928

    Job: Real-Estate Liaison

    Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

    Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.