Testing Stripe Connect (2024)

Before going live, test your Connect integration for account creation, identity verification, and payouts.

Use testing to make sure your Connect integration handles different flows correctly. Use test mode to simulate live mode while taking advantage of Stripe-provided special tokens to use in your tests. Take a look at our payments testing guide for more information on testing charges, disputes, and so on.

Create test accounts Testing Stripe Connect (1)

You can create multiple test accounts and use any account type or controller properties you might need (for example, representing multiple countries).

You can create test accounts using the Accounts API or in the Stripe Dashboard.

Use 000-000 as the SMS code when prompted for test accounts.

Test the OAuth flow Testing Stripe Connect (2)

You can test your OAuth integration with connected accounts that use a Stripe-hosted dashboard using your test mode client_id.

Your test mode client_id is ca_FkyHCg7X8mlvCUdMDao4mMxagUfhIwXb. You can find this in your Connect OAuth settings.

Your test mode client_id allows you to:

  • Set your redirect_uri to a non-HTTPS URL
  • Set your redirect_uri to localhost
  • Force-skip the account form instead of having to fill out an entire account application (Stripe Dashboard accounts only)
  • Get test access tokens for connected accounts

To test the OAuth flow, create a new account after clicking the OAuth link. You can also test connecting an existing Stripe account only if the email is different from your platform account.

Identity verification Testing Stripe Connect (3)

After creating a test connected account, you can use tokens to test different verification statuses to make sure you’re handling different requirements and account states. You can use the following tokens to test verification with test accounts.

Test dates of birth Testing Stripe Connect (4)

Use these dates of birth (DOB) to trigger certain verification conditions.

1901-01-01Successful verification. Any other DOB results in unsuccessful verification.
1902-01-01Successful, immediate verification. The verification result is returned directly in the response, not as part of a webhook event.
1900-01-01This DOB triggers an Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) alert.

Test addresses Testing Stripe Connect (5)

Use these addresses for line1 to trigger certain verification conditions. You must pass in legitimate values for the city, state, and postal_code arguments.

address_full_matchSuccessful verification.
address_no_matchUnsuccessful verification.
address_line1_no_matchUnsuccessful verification from partial address match.

Test personal ID numbersTesting Stripe Connect (6)

Use these personal ID numbers for individual.id_number or the id_number attribute on the Person object to trigger certain verification conditions.

000000000Successful verification. 0000 also works for SSN last 4 verification.
111111111Unsuccessful verification (identity mismatch).
222222222Successful, immediate verification. The verification result is returned directly in the response, not as part of a webhook event.

Test identity documentsTesting Stripe Connect (7)

For testing, use file tokens instead of uploading your own test IDs. For details, refer to Uploading a file.

Test file tokens Testing Stripe Connect (8)

Use these file tokens to trigger certain identity verification conditions.

file_identity_document_successUses the verified image and marks that document requirement as satisfied.
file_identity_document_failureUses the unverified image and marks that document requirement as not satisfied.

Business information verificationTesting Stripe Connect (9)

Business address validation Testing Stripe Connect (10)

In some countries, the business address associated with your connected account must be validated before charges, payouts, or both can be enabled on the connected account.

Test business addresses Testing Stripe Connect (11)

Use these addresses for line1 to trigger certain validation conditions. You must pass in legitimate values for the city, state, and postal_code arguments.

Make sure you start with an address token that has the least permissive validation condition you want to test for. This is because you can’t use an address token that has a more restrictive validation condition than the previous token used. For example, if you provided address_full_match to have both charges and payouts enabled, you can’t disable payouts or charges afterward by changing the token to an invalid one. You can work around this by creating a new account with the relevant token.

address_full_matchBoth charges and payouts are enabled on the account.
address_no_matchOnly charges are enabled on the account. Since validation failed on the line1 attribute, it becomes listed again in the requirements hash.
address_line1_no_matchNeither charges nor payouts are enabled on the account. Since validation failed, the address attributes become listed again in the requirements hash.

Test business tax IDsTesting Stripe Connect (12)

Use these business tax ID numbers for company.tax_id to trigger certain verification conditions.

000000000Successful verification.
000000001Successful verification as a non-profit.
111111111Unsuccessful verification (identity mismatch).
111111112Unsuccessful verification (tax ID not issued).
222222222Successful, immediate verification. The verification result is returned directly in the response, not as part of a webhook event.

Test directorship verificationTesting Stripe Connect (13)

Stripe performs directorship verification by comparing the list of directors on the Account object against a list retrieved from local registries. If the country requires it, you can trigger verification for an Account object by using these tokens for the person.first_name attribute and setting the person.relationship.director attribute to true.

mismatch_directorUnsuccessful verification of director due to a mismatched name. This can trigger a verification_directors_mismatch verification error.
missing_directorUnsuccessful verification due to directors missing on the account. This can trigger a verification_missing_directors verification error.
extraneous_directorUnsuccessful verification due to too many directors on the account. This can trigger a verification_extraneous_directors verification error.

The verification errors can trigger if multiple directors on the Account object use these magic tokens.

Test company name verificationTesting Stripe Connect (14)

Trigger company name verification for an Account object by using this token for the company.name attribute.

mismatch_business_nameUnsuccessful verification due to a mismatched business name.
disallowed_nameUnsuccessful verification due to a generic or well-known business name.
match_name_relationshipsSuccessful verification of the business name.
match_name_onlyUnsuccessful verification due to a business name discrepancy.

Test statement descriptor verificationTesting Stripe Connect (15)

Trigger statement descriptor verification for an Account object by using this token for the settings.payments.statement_descriptor attribute.

mismatchTrigger an invalid_statement_descriptor_business_mismatch verification error.
disallowedTrigger an invalid_statement_descriptor_denylisted verification error.

Trigger statement descriptor prefix verification for an Account object by using this token for the settings.payments.statement_descriptor_prefix attribute.

mismatchTrigger an invalid_statement_descriptor_prefix_mismatch verification error.
disallowedTrigger an invalid_statement_descriptor_prefix_denylisted verification error.

Test business URL verificationTesting Stripe Connect (16)

Trigger URL verification for an Account object by using this token for the business_profile.url attribute.

https://disallowed.stripe.comTrigger an invalid_url_denylisted verification error.
https://geoblocked.stripe.comTrigger an invalid_url_website_inaccessible_geoblocked verification error.
https://problem.stripe.comTrigger an invalid_url_website_other verification error.
https://missing.stripe.comTrigger an invalid_url_website_incomplete verification error.
https://mismatch.stripe.comTrigger an invalid_url_website_business_information_mismatch verification error.
https://passwordprotected.stripe.comTrigger an invalid_url_website_inaccessible_password_protected verification error.
https://accessible.stripe.comTrigger a successful validation of the URL.
https://underconstruction.stripe.comTrigger an invalid_url_website_incomplete_under_construction verification error.
https://inaccessible.stripe.comTrigger an invalid_url_website_inaccessible verification error.

Test Doing Business As (DBA) verificationTesting Stripe Connect (17)

Trigger DBA verification for an Account object by using this token for the business_profile.name attribute.

disallowed_dbaTrigger an invalid_business_profile_name_denylisted verification error.
invalid_dbaTrigger an invalid_business_profile_name verification error.

Test product description verificationTesting Stripe Connect (18)

Trigger product description verification for an Account object by using this token for the business_profile.product_description attribute.

require_urlTrigger an invalid_url_web_presence_detected verification error.

Test capability disabled reasonsTesting Stripe Connect (19)

Trigger assignment of a specific requirements.disabled_reason to all of an Account object’s inactive Capability objects by using this token for the account’s business_profile.url attribute.

https://inactivity.stripe.comSet an account with no recent activity as inactive and pause all verifications for it. Set the disabled reason for any inactive capabilities to paused.inactivity (rejected.other for API versions prior to 2024-06-20).

Trigger or advance verificationTesting Stripe Connect (20)

Trigger cardsTesting Stripe Connect (21)

Use these card numbers to trigger various conditions when you’re testing both requirements and tiered verification. For the trigger actions to work, you must use these cards with a Connect charge by setting on_behalf_of, or creating the charge directly on the connected account.

4000000000004202tok_visa_triggerNextRequirementsChanges the next set of eventually due requirements to currently due.
4000000000004210tok_visa_triggerChargeBlockTriggers a charge block.
4000000000004236tok_visa_triggerPayoutBlockTriggers a payout block.

Trigger next requirementsTesting Stripe Connect (22)

Live mode can require additional verification information when a connected account processes a certain amount of volume. This card sets any additional verification information to be required immediately. If no additional information is required, nothing appears.

Trigger a charge or payout blockTesting Stripe Connect (23)

If required information isn’t provided by the deadline, Stripe disables the connected account’s charges or payouts. These cards disable the connected account and move any currently due requirements to overdue. These cards have no effect until an account provides the initial information that’s required to enable charges and payouts.

Trigger bank account ownership verificationTesting Stripe Connect (24)

Connected accounts in the United States and India are subject to Bank account ownership verification. You can complete this verification by uploading supporting documents with the Connect Dashboard or with the API through the documents[bank_account_ownership_verification] hash.

In test mode, you can simulate the US bank account ownership verification process. Use the following test bank account numbers to trigger the verification process. One number presumes successful verification and the other prompts you to upload test images or file tokens to complete the verification process. These test accounts are only available for US accounts.

110000000000999999991Triggers and completes the bank account ownership verification process after a short delay
110000000000999999992Beta Triggers the bank account ownership verification process after a short delay and requests for document upload

Simulate requirementsTesting Stripe Connect (25)

If your platform has connected accounts in different countries or plans to, you might need to verify a person’s address as well as their identity (depending on the country). Stripe provides a sample date of birth (DOB) and sample addresses to test for this requirement.

Information providedPerson verification statusrequirements.currently_due
Verified date of birth and verified addressVerifiedNone
Verified date of birth and unverified addressUnverifiedverification.additional_document
Unverified date of birth and verified addressUnverifiedverification.document
Unverified date of birth and unverified addressUnverifiedverification.additional_document, verification.document

Add funds to Stripe balance Testing Stripe Connect (26)

To test adding funds to your Stripe balance from a bank account in the Dashboard, enable test mode and select the desired test bank account in the drop-down menu within the Add to balance dialog. You can simulate success or failure due to insufficient funds.

To test adding funds in the API, use the following test bank tokens as the source while in test mode. Each token simulates a specific kind of event.

btok_us_verified_noAccountUnsuccessful with a no_account code
btok_us_verified_accountClosedUnsuccessful with an account_closed code
btok_us_verified_insufficientFundsUnsuccessful with an insufficient_funds code
btok_us_verified_debitNotAuthorizedUnsuccessful with a debit_not_authorized code
btok_us_verified_invalidCurrencyUnsuccessful with an invalid_currency code

Payouts Testing Stripe Connect (27)

Use the following test bank and debit card numbers to trigger certain events during payout testing. You can only use these values in test mode with test secret keys.

Test mode payouts simulate a live payout but aren’t processed with the bank. Test mode accounts with Stripe Dashboard access always have payouts enabled, as long as valid external bank information and other relevant conditions are met, and never requires real identity verification.


You can’t use test bank and debit card numbers in the Stripe Dashboard on a live mode connected account. If you’ve entered your bank account information on a live mode account, you can still use test mode, and test mode payouts will simulate a live payout without processing actual money.

Bank numbers Testing Stripe Connect (28)

Use these test bank account numbers to test payouts. You can only use them with test secret keys.

AAAAALTXXXXAL35202111090000000001234567Payout succeeds.
AAAAALTXXXXAL00000062370400440532013001Payout fails with a no_account code.
AAAAALTXXXXAL00000089370400440532013002Payout fails with a account_closed code.
AAAAALTXXXXAL00000089370400440532013003Payout fails with a insufficient_funds code.
AAAAALTXXXXAL00000089370400440532013004Payout fails with a debit_not_authorized code.
AAAAALTXXXXAL00000089370400440532013005Payout fails with a invalid_currency code.

Debit card numbers Testing Stripe Connect (29)

Use these test debit card numbers to test payouts to a debit card. These can only be used with test secret keys.

4000056655665556tok_visa_debit_us_transferSuccessVisa debit. Payout succeeds.
4000056655665572tok_visa_debit_us_transferFailVisa debit. Payout fails with a could_not_process code.
4000056755665555tok_visa_debit_us_instantPayoutUnsupportedVisa debit. Card is not eligible for Instant Payouts.
5200828282828210tok_mastercard_debit_us_transferSuccessMastercard debit. Payout succeeds.
6011981111111113tok_discover_debit_us_transferSuccessDiscover debit. Payout succeeds.

Testing Stripe Connect (2024)


Can I use Stripe Connect in test mode? ›

You can't use test bank and debit card numbers in the Stripe Dashboard on a live mode connected account. If you've entered your bank account information on a live mode account, you can still use test mode, and test mode payouts will simulate a live payout without processing actual money.

How do I test Stripe transactions? ›

When testing interactively, use a card number, such as 4242 4242 4242 4242. Enter the card number in the Dashboard or in any payment form. Use a valid future date, such as 12/34. Use any three-digit CVC (four digits for American Express cards).

How do I test failed payments on Stripe? ›

To test the effects of payment failure on an active subscription, attach the 4000 0000 0000 0341 card as the customer's default payment method, but use a trial period to defer the attempt (a trial of a few seconds or minutes is sufficient).

Is Stripe test mode free? ›

Stripe's test mode allows you to test your integration without making actual charges or payments.

Can I test Stripe in live mode? ›

The Stripe Services Agreement prohibits testing in live mode using real payment method details. Use your test API keys and the card numbers below.

What is the test limit for Stripe? ›

The basic rate limiter restricts the number of API requests per second as follows: Live mode: 100 read operations and 100 write operations. Test mode: 25 read operations and 25 write operations.

How do you use a test Stripe? ›

Place the test strip vertically (straight) into the urine sample, making sure the arrows are pointing down. Do not allow the urine surface to go above the maximum level line (marked by arrows) on the test strip. Leave the strip in the urine for at least 8 seconds (recommend 10 seconds).

Does Stripe not send receipts in test mode? ›

Receipts in test mode

Test payments created using your test API keys don't automatically send receipts. Instead, you can view or manually send a receipt using the Dashboard. Each receipt contains a link to view it in a browser, and a unique receipt number that's useful when looking up payment information.

Why are there so many failed payments on Stripe? ›

There are three reasons why a payment might fail: Issuer declines. Blocked payments. Invalid API calls.

Why is Stripe so slow to pay? ›

There is a 7 day waiting period for the first payout. This delay is necessary for risk mitigation and cannot be waived under any circ*mstances. Any updates made to payout timing or method during this time will take effect after the waiting period. Check your estimated payout schedule at the Dashboard.

Does Stripe automatically retry failed payments? ›

Stripe automatically recovers payments that may have otherwise not been successful by updating your users' saved cards, sending emails when a failed payment occurs, and by retrying cards at strategic times.

What is the percentage fee for Stripe Connect? ›

If your platform chooses to handle pricing for your users, Connect fees include $2 per monthly active account, and 0.25% + 25¢ for your platform. (This includes platforms who went live before April 2024 on “Express Connect” or “Custom Connect”).

What is the average fee for Stripe? ›

Stripe Plans and Pricing
Payment MethodPricing
Online payment including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay and more2.9% plus 30 cents per successful card charge Plus 1% for international cards Plus 1% if currency conversion is required
6 more rows

What is payment testing? ›

Payment testing involves verifying the accuracy and integrity of financial transactions by performing a series of tests with various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and online payments.

Does Stripe have sandbox mode? ›

You can use your sandbox to test all available Stripe functionality in your business account, and experiment with new features without affecting your live integration. When testing in a sandbox, the payments you create aren't processed by card networks or payment providers, and funds aren't moved.

How to use test Stripe? ›

Place the test strip vertically (straight) into the urine sample, making sure the arrows are pointing down. Do not allow the urine surface to go above the maximum level line (marked by arrows) on the test strip. Leave the strip in the urine for at least 8 seconds (recommend 10 seconds).

What is the difference between Stripe Connect and Stripe app? ›

1 Stripe has better usage coverage in more websites categories. Including Computers Electronics & Technology, Games, Science & Education, Arts & Entertainment and 20 other categories. 2 Stripe Connect hasn't got a lead over Stripe in any websites category.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.